Who’s Got Your Back
Keith Farrazzi
Live with an abundance mindset – the more people you help or allow to help you, the more generosity they tend to reciprocate.
Both people benefit when both are helping each other.
Put together an advisory board, fired up for success like you, to help with any skills or industries you don’t have expertise in and meet at least 2x a year.
Vulnerability – the courage to reveal your insecurity, weaknesses, warts, and all to develop trust.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
People respect the truth – stay transparent and candid above all else. Buffett invests in companies based sometimes on the executive’s candor.
Solicit feedback about your weaknesses and faults. Do you have problems building relationships? Sales? Marketing? Finance?
Vulnerability – it’s the way to firmly build a long-lasting relationship. Share your problems and people will relate. Share stories and people will be even more willing to relate.
Have your lifeline partners hold you accountable to your goals, similar to weight watchers where members post their weigh-ins to YouTube so that you don’t veer off track. Let them be your butt-kickers.
Recruit your trusted advisors from diverse backgrounds.
Practice the art of the long, slow, dinner:
At the dinner table, no one grows old.